Resident evil 3 remake vs original
Resident evil 3 remake vs original

resident evil 3 remake vs original

Get Nemesis near one of these to blow him up or electrocute him respectively, given you time to escape without wasting a load of ammo. This can be a little frustrating at times – maybe even more than Mr X was – but the game does at least try to alleviate things to an extent with the occasional exploding barrel or sparking fuse box. Combined with its grim tentacle attack, you’d do well to escape a Nemesis encounter without taking damage. Whereas his predecessor would slowly lumber forwards, letting you at least escape as long as you kept on the move, Nemesis can run and even do huge Hulk-like leaps if you get too far away. If you thought running from Mr X was stressful, Nemesis will have you chewing your fingernails down to stumps.

resident evil 3 remake vs original

On paper, it’s more or less the same situation as Mr X in the Resi 2 remake: he can burst into the scene without warning and chase you relentlessly until you can either escape or stun him.

resident evil 3 remake vs original

Of course, the other major element of the original that returns here is Nemesis, the enormous, seemingly indestructible mutant that pursues Jill throughout the course of the game. If you can, play through Resident Evil 2 again before you play this one, just to make sure you don’t miss all the nods. They’re just little bonuses that will make those who get the reference go “ahaaaa” and smile wryly. None of this should concern anyone who didn’t play the previous remake, mind you: there’s no implied knowledge there. These are mostly fan service – one callback (or call forward, we suppose) to the previous game’s most heartbreaking moment will give you a little pinch in the feels again – though some also solve a few mysteries, revealing how certain characters and areas in Resi 2 got into that condition in the first place. “Print out a walkthrough for the original Resi 3 and you may as well have printed out a cheesecake recipe for all the good it’ll do you: this is a completely different game.” The first section will perhaps be of more interest to those who played the Resi 2 remake, because there are various moments dotted around – some minor, some major – that foreshadow some of the things Leon and Claire eventually experience. By the time it resumes, the events of Resi 2 have taken place and Jill is now dealing with the aftermath. Resident Evil 3 is both a prequel and a sequel, split into two parts: the first part takes place shortly before the events of Resident Evil 2, until a certain event stops Jill’s story in its tracks for a period. One element it does share with the original game is its place in the timeline. But it’s not like Resident Evil lore was straightforward anyway, so don’t worry about it. This is very much a reboot rather than a remake, an alternate Resident Evil universe where things play out very differently than they did in the PS1 days. Most of the story beats, however, are entirely original, as are many of the locations you’ll come across.

Resident evil 3 remake vs original